Thursday, June 26, 2014

Greco-Romans and who they worship

Greco-Romans are Hellenic Neopagans who worship the ancient gods and goddess of the ancient Greek and Roman panthoens. You can find a list of the Greek Gods here. You can find a list of the Roman Gods here.

The Greek Pantheon -

Zeus - Divine god.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, Mother Goddess.
Apollo - God of prophecy, archery, and music.
Aphrodite - Goddess of love.
Ariadne - Goddess of the labyrinth.
Aries - God of action and war.
Artemis - Goddess of the hunt and protection.
Athena - Goddess of war and wisdom.
Calliope - Muse of epic poetry.
Clio - Muse of history.
Demeter - Earth goddess.
Dionysus - God of wine and ecstasy.
Eileithia - Goddess of childbirth.
Erato - Muse of love poetry.
Eros - God of love.
Euterpe - Muse of music.
Gaia - Primal earth goddess.
Hecate - Goddess of witchcraft, ghosts, and the dead.
Hades - God of the underworld
Helios - God of the sun.
Hephaistos - God of the sun, fire, and forge.
Hermes - Messenger to the gods.
Hestia - Goddess of hearth and home.
Melpomene - Muse of tragedy.
Metis - Wisdom.
Moerae - Three goddeses of fate - Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.
Mnemosyne - Goddess of memory, mother of Muses.
Nike - Goddess of victory.
Pan - God of the forests.
Persephone - Queen of the underworld.
Phoebe - Goddess of the moon.
Polyhymnia - Muse of singing.
Poseidon - God of the sea.
Psyche - Goddess of the soul.
Terpsichore - Muse of dance.
Tethys - Goddess of the sea.
Thalia - Muse of comedy.
Theia - Goddess of light.
Urania - Muse of astronomy.

The Roman Pantheon -

Jupiter - Great God; god of storms, thunder, and lightning.
Juno - Queen of the Gods; goddess of women, marriage, childbirth, household prosperity.
Apollo - God of the sun, music, poetry, fine arts, prophecy, eloquence, and medicine.
Bacchus - God of the liquid spirits, fruits, and parties.
Ceres - Goddess of harvest, agriculture, fertility, and fruitfulness.
Cupid - God of love and passion.
Diana - Goddess of the moon, hunting, children, and Witches.
Fanus - God of the woodlands.
Fates - Three goddesses of destiny, daughters of the night.
Flora - Goddess of nature.
Furies - Goddesses of vengeance.
Janus - Two-faced god of beginnings.
Mars - God of war and action.
Mercury - Messenger of the gods, god of trade and commerce and travelers.
Minerva - Goddess of wisdom, practical arts, and war.
Neptune - God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
Pluto - God of the underworld.
Saturn - God of the harvest and golden ages in history.
Venus - Goddess of love.
Vesta - Goddess of hearth, home, and community.
Vulcan - God of fire, craftspeople, metalworkers, and artisians.

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